When you opt for a new provider, they usually take care of all the documentation like cancelling of the old contract with the old provider, informing the grid provider etc. Normally the contracts last for a year but can have special conditions mentioned about quitting when moving or leaving the country. When one changes the provider, then quite often the new providers give incentives like discounts or sign-up bonuses for the initial year etc, so it’s getting quite popular to change providers, on a yearly basis. Gas Fares normally include the following components, similar to electricity fares :
- Basic price (Grundpreis): Monthly fee independent of electricity usage
- Usage price (Verbrauchspreis): Price per kwh, dependent on actual usage
- Immediate discount (Sofortrabatt): Discount applied per kwh, normally during the initial year
- Immediate bonus (Sofortbonus): Fixed amount paid out during the start of your contract to new customers
- Neukundenbonus (New customer bonus): Fixed amount paid out usually at the end of the first contract year.
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Postleitzahl => PIN Code of your city
Nutzung => usage (Privat => residential) Verbrauch (kWh) => kWh usage per year Nur Biogas- oder Klimatarife => only Renewable Energy
Bonus einberechnen => include the bonus of the provider in the calculation Then hit on “jetzt vergleichen”
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