Resources and Links

Resources and Links

Welcome to our comprehensive resources for expats hub, tailored to help you on your journey as an Expat in Germany! Discover a wealth of tools, and guides, meticulously curated to assist you with any challenges that you may face as a newcomer to Germany. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, dive into our collection of partners, to make your life in Germany, more inclusive and wholesome.

Please keep in mind, that every individual’s needs are different and specific. We have curated this list as a generic helpful guide for Expats moving to Germany in the recent past ,who might be facing language barriers and to overcome bureaucratic hurdles. Our recommendations are based both on market research,as well as on ease of use as an Expat.

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Elterngeld, Kindergeld and Elternzeit – What are these and how to apply

So, did we mention earlier that Germany has a very impressive social system in place, for its citizens? We will try and explain a couple of them to you in detail. If you are planning to start a family in Germany or move here with your family, the German government provides various benefits to new families. The family benefits include maternity leave (Mutterschaftsurlaub), parental leave (Elternzeit)and parental allowance (Elterngeld), Child benefit (Kindergeld). Here you’ll get to know what’s what, who can apply for these benefits and also the eligibility.

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Finding the cheapest electricity provider in Germany

There's a good possibility that if you're looking for energy providers in Germany, you're moving into a new flat. If that's the case, let me firstly CONGRATULATE you for getting past this significant obstacle! Whether you're an ex-pat or not, renting an apartment or flat in Germany is difficult. Even locals lament how difficult this chore is. And if you're already under pressure from trying to figure out how to get energy in Germany. Don't worry; we have explained the whole process below.