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Sick Leave & Sick Leave Benefits in Germany

Sickness is a normal part of life, but it can be frustrating when you're not feeling yourself. Luckily, Germany has a system of social benefits that help people who are injured or ill (physical or mental) and they cannot go to work. 

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Private Health Insurance vs. Public Health Insurance in Germany 

Health Insurance is mandatory in Germany for all German citizens, expats & International tourists. Each month, you make a payment toward your health insurance, which also covers your medical expenses. Germany has two health insurance systems; private & public. One of the best healthcare systems in the world is found in Germany. The majority of German citizens and residents are covered by the government-run public health insurance programme, which is paid for by the taxpayers' contributions. In turn, regardless of income or status, everyone gets access to high-quality, cheap healthcare. However, there are some gaps left by the public health insurance system which one can fill by opting for a private health insurance plan.

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Elterngeld, Kindergeld and Elternzeit – What are these and how to apply

So, did we mention earlier that Germany has a very impressive social system in place, for its citizens? We will try and explain a couple of them to you in detail. If you are planning to start a family in Germany or move here with your family, the German government provides various benefits to new families. The family benefits include maternity leave (Mutterschaftsurlaub), parental leave (Elternzeit)and parental allowance (Elterngeld), Child benefit (Kindergeld). Here you’ll get to know what’s what, who can apply for these benefits and also the eligibility.